Copyright (C) Simon Wright <>
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This domain represents an SNTP client/server, to RFC 2030 (but only using IPv4, at version 3).
Revision: $Revision: 8a24f41a8d3e $
Provides the interface to client applications.
The interface is written in terms of an Agent, which represents the domain, and may offer Client or Server features (or both).
Closes the agent.
Creates an agent, which may be tasked to provide Client and/or Server functionality later.
There is an associated task; the parameter 'at priority' specifies the priority at which it runs (relative to the default).
If 'errors to' is not null, error messages will be sent to it; if it is null, to ColdFrame.Project.Log_Error.
The agent is to act as a Client, requesting time from the specified host at the specified interval. When a time is received, it is reported to the specified Receiver callback, if any.
Note that, unless Receive Broadcasts Via or Provide Service has already been called, this call will prevent any later use of those calls (the implementation socket is irrevocably bound to a port assigned by the operating system).
The agent, which must already have been instructed to "Provide Service", is to send the current time at the specified interval to the (broadcast) address specified in "To".
The agent is to act as a Server, responding to specific requests ("Obtain Time From"), and obtaining the current time by calling the specified Provider callback (null means "use Ada.Calendar.Clock"), and identifying itself using the Reference Identifier 'with identifier' if provided (if not, a suitable default is constructed from the network address).
The agent is to act as a Client, receiving broadcast times. When a time is received, it is reported to the specified Receiver callback, if any.
Stop providing broadcasts.
Stop Server activities.
Stop Client activities (either actively obtaining time from a server, or receiving broadcasts).
A Client uses the Socket to obtain time values from a remote time server.
The interval between requests.
Part of the state machine; holds the timeout used to manage regular polling.
The IP address of the server to use.
The Client can be started in two ways:
(a) a "start active" event initiates regular requests to the known server for update;
(b) a "start passive" event causes the Client only to wait for broadcasts, not to initiate any requests.
This is a transitional state, which is entered for two reasons:
(a) to start cyclic requests for timestamps;
(b) to make the next cyclic request for a timestamp.
The Client waits for updates, which can either be as a response to a specific request, or because the Server is generating cyclic broadcasts.
State | Entry Action(s) | Event | Drop-through | ||
Next_Time | Start_Active | Start_Passive | |||
Initial | none | can't happen | Requesting | Waiting | none |
Requesting | Request Set_Next_Time_Timeout |
can't happen | can't happen | can't happen | Waiting |
Waiting | none | Requesting | can't happen | can't happen | none |
Creates a Client, associated with the given Socket and requesting time updates from the specified host at the specified interval.
When a response is received, it is to be reported to the specified Receiver callback.
Creates a Client, associated with the given Socket and waiting passively for broadcast time updates.
When a response is received, it is to be reported to the specified Receiver callback.
Called during instance deletion to disconnect from the Socket (includes unlinking).
A state entry action, called to request a timestamp.
A state entry action, called to arrange the next request.
A Server uses the Socket to provide time values to remote clients on request. It may optionally broadcast the time at regular intervals.
The address to which broadcasting is required.
Holds "Time To Broadcast" events.
The reference identifier to be used.
The interval between broadcasts (if broadcasting is required).
Called to provide a timestamp when required.
If null, Ada.Calendar.Clock is used.
If the Server is required to make regular broadcasts, it must be sent a Start event.
On entry to the Waiting state, the Server sends a broadcast update and posts a "time to broadcast" event to fire after the required interval between broadcasts.
State | Entry Action(s) | Event | Drop-through | ||
Start | Stop | Time_To_Broadcast | |||
Initial | none | can't happen | can't happen | can't happen | Idle |
Idle | none | Waiting | can't happen | can't happen | none |
Waiting | Send_Broadcast Post_Delay |
can't happen | Idle/ Cancel_Delay |
Waiting | none |
Creates a Server, associated with the given Socket.
"Obtaining_From" is the callback Provider, to be called to obtain the current Time. If null, Ada.Calendar.Clock is used.
"With_Identifier" is the Reference Identifier to be used.
Returns True if this server was the originator of the packet 'P'.
Called to process a request packet from the client whose IP address is in "From".
Send the current time at the specified interval to the (broadcast) address specified in "To".
Stops broadcasting.
Raises Use_Error if the Server wasn't actually broadcasting.
This entry action cancels the pending "Time To Broadcast" event.
Called during instance deletion to disconnect from the Socket (includes unlinking).
This entry action posts a "Time To Broadcast" event to run after "Interval".
This entry action sends a broadcast update.
A Socket represents a UDP socket, which may be used in SNTP Client or Server mode, or both.
The associated task reads UDP packets from the socket, forwarding responses and broadcasts to the associated Client (if any) and requests to the associated Server (if any).
The port number of the UDP socket.
Indicates whether the Socket has already been bound (via 'Bind To Port').
Gives access to a procedure, provided by the user, to log error messages.
An array of pointers-to-procedure, used as a 'swing' buffer. The entry indexed by 'current receiver' holds the procedure to be called when a new Time is available.
The UDP socket.
Create a Socket using the specified port number.
Allow the Socket to broadcast. "Bind To Port" must have been called.
Bind the Socket to the port "using", as its externally-visible address.
This may be to provide service or to receive broadcast updates.
Log an error message.
Called by the associated Server to broadcast the packet "P" to the socket address "To" (the standard port is used).
Called by the associated Client to post the packet "P" to the server "To" (the standard port is used).
Used by the associated Server to post the reply "p" to the requesting client "to".
Update the Receiver that will be called when a new Time is received.
Called when the Socket is deleted to close the UDP socket and tidy up any using Clients or Servers.
This entry acts as a barrier to ensure that the instance's associated task doesn't start processing until the instance is fully initialized. This includes binding the socket to a port; this will either be the port designated by 'Using' or, in the case where the first action is a call to Post Request, a port assigned by the operating system.
Called during unit test teardown to free the 'sock' resource.
The Socket may be being used to handle a single Client.
Client (0..1) Posts_Requests_Via (1) Socket
Socket (1) Receives_Responses_For (0..1) Client
The Socket may be being used by a single Server.
Server (0..1) Posts_Responses_Via (1) Socket
Socket (1) Receives_Requests_For (0..1) Server
The external (client) view of a Socket.
A counterpart for a ColdFrame class in or for another domain.
A counterpart for a ColdFrame class in or for another domain.
This is a time with a resolution of at least a microsecond.
Renames ColdFrame.Project.High_Resolution_Time.Time.
High_Res_Time has operations:
Returns the current value of the high resolution clock.
Imported from GNAT.Sockets.
Defines a type which gives access to a procedure, to be provided by the user to log error messages.
Imported from GNAT.Sockets.
Imported from System.
Supports callback when a time is needed.
Imported from SNTP_Support.
Supports callback when a new Time has been received.
Imported from SNTP_Support.
String of up to four characters, null- or space-padded, forming the Reference Identifier of a Server.
Renames SNTP_Support.Four_Character_String.
The contents of an SNTP packet, see RFC 2030.
Imported from SNTP_Support.
Imported from GNAT.Sockets.
Imported from GNAT.Sockets.
Raised when invalid parameters are supplied to an operation, or operations are called inappropriately.