ColdFrame: Error messages

This is a list of error and warning messages that you may see from ColdFrame.

Bugs in ColdFrame

Messages beginning "CF:" indicate an internal error. Report to the author. You'll need to include the extracted .raw file if you want anything to happen!

User problems

"Normalization" messages

Error: abbreviation of name is reserved word
For class name, the standard abbreviation (for names of more than one word, formed from the initial letters of the words) makes an Ada reserved word. Specify your own, using the {abbreviation} tag.
Error: attribute Class.Attribute used to formalize non-existent Association
The formalizes annotation has been used naming an association that doesn't exist.
Error: attribute Class.Name marked as «class» and «id»
Class attributes can't be identifying attributes as well.
Error: both ends of name are marked as source
The {source} tag has been specified on both ends of the named association.
Error: can't specify priority for non-active class Class
Priority can only be specified for «active» classes.
Error: can't specify stack for non-active class Class
Stack size can only be specified for «active» classes.
Error: Class tried to set Role as source for Association
Probably, you've used {source} in a disallowed way (on the many end of an association).
Error: Class tried to set Role as source for Association when Role already is.
Probably, you've used {source} on both ends of the named association.
Error: discriminated type type has no attributes
Discriminated types must have attributes.
Error: duplicate definition of class name
A class has been defined more than once.
Error: duplicate definition of type name
A type has been defined more than once.
Error: function name can't be an entry
An entry operation can't be a function.
Error: illegal lower bound 1 in cardinality "cardinality" for name
In class name, 1..1 is legal for a class's cardinality, otherwise it must be 1, n or 0..m.
Error: illegal lower bound (b) of multiplicity in role Association.Role
The lower bound of a role multiplicity must be 0 or 1.
Error: illegal lower bound bound in cardinality "cardinality" for name
In class name, 1..1 is legal for a class's cardinality, otherwise it must be 1, the literal n or 0..m.
Error: illegal M:M association Association
Many-to-many associations must have an association class.
Error: illegal name "name" in Class.Operation
There's some illegal character in an operation's parameter (you may have used a semicolon rather than a comma to separate parameters).
Error: illegal name "name" in <tag>
There's some illegal character in a <tag> element (eg, a <class>.
Error: illegal tag name in {tag}
There's some illegal character in a tagged value's tag name.
Error: inconsistent constraints for Type
The tagged value specifying Type is inconsistent (for example, string can't be both fixed-length (fixed) and variable-length (max)).
Error: kind kind (class name) not handled
A class kind that isn't handled has been specified.
Error: missing attribute name in Class
One of the attributes of the named class has no name.
Error: missing attribute type for Class.Attribute
The named attribute has no type specified.
Error: missing parameter name in Class.Operation
There's a problem with one of the named operation's parameters.
Error: missing parameter type for Class.Operation(Param)
There's a problem with the named operation parameter.
Error: multiple parents (Class, Class) for Inheritance
More than one class appears as parent in the named inheritance relationship.
Error: must specify cardinality for name as 0..bound
In class name, 1..1 is legal for a class's cardinality, otherwise it must be 1, the literal n or 0..m.
Error: name has no identifier
Ordinary classes must have identifiers.
Error: neither end of biconditional name is marked as source
Symmetric 0..1:0..1 associations must have the source end marked. Place {source} on the end you want it to be most efficient to navigate to.
Error: neither end of unconditional name is marked as source
Symmetric 1:1 associations must have the source end marked. Place {source} on the end you want it to be most efficient to navigate to.
Error: no index type for array type type
You must specify the type of the index of an array.
Error: operation Class.Name can't be class and teardown
Teardown operations are per-instance.
Error: operation can't be abstract and an accessor
Accessor operations have to be concrete.
Error: protected type type has no attributes
A protected type must have attributes.
Error: public name can't be active
Public classes may not be active.
Error: public name has a state machine
Public classes may not have state machines.
Error: required constraint not found for Type
The tagged value specifying Type doesn't contain all the required information (for example, unsigned requires mod).
Error: reserved word "word" in <tag>
You've used an Ada reserved word as a name.
Error: singleton name has identifier
Singleton's aren't allowed to have identifiers.
Error: spare . in name
The name has a leading or trailing period.
Error: tried to extend type, which has no attributes
If a type is to be extended, it must have attributes.
Error: type name can't be active
Types may not be active.
Error: type name can't be atomic
Record and protected types may not be atomic.
Error: type name can't be volatile
Record and protected types may not be volatile.
Error: type name has a state machine
Types may not have state machines.
Error: type name has identifier
name is a «type»; it can't have an identifier.
Error: type name is marked {tag} but has attributes
The tag {tag} (eg, {renames}) isn't consistent with having attributes.
Error: type name must be public (not private) because it is serializable
The alternative would be to make the package Domain.Serializable a private child .. hmm, might work ..
Error: unnamed association between "Class" and "Class"
Missing association name.
Error: unnamed inheritance of Parent by Child
All branches of an inheritance relationship must have a name.
Error: unnamed role in association name
Each end of an association must be named.
Error: unrecognised cardinality "cardinality" in name
In class name, 1..1 is legal for a class's cardinality, otherwise it must be 1, the literal n or 0..m.
Error: unrecognised multiplicity "string" in role Association.Role
Multiplicities should be 1, 0..1, 1..*, 0..*, * or n.
Error: unrecognised parameter mode mode
A parameter mode must be in, inout or out.
Error: utility name can't be active
Utility classes may not be active.
Error: utility name has attributes/associations
Utility classes may not have parameters or take part in associations.
Error: utility name has a state machine
Utility classes may not have state machines.
Error: utility name is a type
Utility classes may not be «type»s.
Warning: annotation not handled, "entity [[annotation : value]]"
The given annotation wasn't understood.
Warning: can't open file: reason
Unable to open case exception file.
Warning: datatype type Name can't be atomic
Marking the type {atomic} isn't supported.
Warning: datatype type Name can't be volatile
Marking the type {volatile} isn't supported.
Warning: <<init>> operation Class.Name was marked 'private'
The operation needs to be visible for domain initialization to work, and has been made so.
Warning: invalid constraint constraint in type Type
A tagged value specifying Type is invalid (for example, lower in {unsigned = mod 8 | lower 2}
Warning: no tags to indicate type of Type, treated as {null}
Type has been stereotyped as type but no detail is given.
Warning: stereotype not handled, "Entity «stereotype»"
The given stereotype wasn't understood.
Warning: unrecognised hash mechanism "mechanism" for Type
The hash mechanism specified wasn't understood.
Warning: upper bound (u) of multiplicity in role Association.Role treated as *
The upper bounds of associations are always treated as indefinite.
Warning: use of {image} in Type deprecated -- use {field-image}
Convert to use of {field-image}.
Info: {tag=value} not handled in name
The given tagged value wasn't understood.

Code generation messages

Error: Class.Event's payload is of the wrong type (Type): Operation expects Type
If an entry action has a parameter, it must be of the type of the associated event's payload.
Error: Class.Operation takes a parameter, can't be used in drop-through action
If an entry action has a parameter, there must be an associated event/payload to provide the parameter.
Error: Class.Operation is wrongly stereotyped as an accessor
The operation's name or profile don't match any parameter (name, type, class-ness).
Error: Class.State, a singleton entry action may not delete the instance
It's not permitted to delete a singleton.
Error: Class.State, Operation has too many parameters to be an entry action
An entry action in the model can have at most one parameter (the event payload). Of course, for non-singleton classes there will be an initial This parameter in the generated code.
Error: Class.State, Operation is a function, can't be an entry action
Only procedures are allowed to be state machine entry actions.
Error: completion (drop-through) and triggered transitions from state Class.State
Triggered transitions can never be taken if there's a drop-through.
Error: completion (drop-through) transition after final state Class.State
After an instance has been deleted, there can be no more processing associated with the triggering event.
Error: entry action(s) after final action Class.Operation in Class.State
An entry action that deletes the instance must be the last action.
Error: entry action(s) after final action on transition to Class.State
If a transition action deletes the instance, you can't put entry actions on the target state.
Error: illegal association Association with class Class
Associations with «public» classes aren't allowed.
Error: illegal finalize operation Class.Operation
«finalize» operations must not be «abstract» or «class», or return a value, or have parameters; and «singleton»s can't have «finalize» operations at all.
Error: "inherited" private operation Parent.Operation in Child
Implementations of abstract operations must be public (or protected).
Error: invalid use of Autonumber in Class
Probably, you've specified an identifier with other attributes besides an Autonumber one (Autonumber attributes are expected to be the only identifying ones).
Error: more than one completion (drop-through) transition from state Class.State
There can be at most one drop-through (untriggered) transition from any state.
Error: more than one handler for Class.Event
There must be one handler for each class event.
Error: more than one transition triggered by Event from state Class.State
An event can trigger at most one transition from any state.
Error: no operation for Class, state State, action Action
No matching operation was found in this class (or any parent class).
Error: no concrete operation for Parent.Operation in Leaf
Operation was specified «abstract» in Parent, but no implementation has been found in the branch leading to the leaf class Leaf.
Error: no handler for Class.Event
There must be one handler for each class event.
Error: no initial state in Class
Each state machine must have an initial state.
Error: protected type type has no operations
A protected type must have operations.
Error: type must be recorded as original-package.Serializable.original-type
A type can't be both {serializable-there} and {serializable}; record values using the original package's Serializable child.
Warning: Class: no rule to hash Type
ColdFrame doesn't know how to hash values of type Type in order to make a reasonable hash function. This normally happens when Type is {imported}. The generated code will still operate, but it's best if you can replace the default Class.Instance_Hash.
If the imported type is discrete (for example, an integer or an enumeration), you can say {hash=discrete} or {hash=enumeration}.
Warning: possible problems with type Type
The type has an attribute, or is an array involving, or is a protected type with an operation involving, a type or types that haven't been specified. The possibly-undefined types are listed. Note, this can occur with a public type that depends on a private type, or, if the domain is a child domain (Parent.Child), it may be a type defined in Parent.
Warning: upper or lower bound not specified for Type
Provide both upper and lower bounds for {integer} or {real} types.

Simon Wright
Last update: 04/13/2015 16:52:14