ColdFrame: Releases
You can access
the Mercurial Repository to browse or download.
Release archives can be
downloaded here.
Archives are available in .zip or .tgz
(.tar.gz) form. The file name encodes the date of the
release: was the
zipped release of 30 January 2001.
You'll sometimes see a suffix on the date, for example
20050503hg. The meanings are
Suffix | Meaning | Tagged
- | full release | yes
p1, p2... | patch release | yes
a, b... | candidate release | yes
hg | from Mercurial | no
cvs | from CVS (historical) | no
t, u... | temporary | no
- 20151101
- General
- This is a major release, which merges the Association and Class
aspects of an AssociationClass into one package.
- Modelling
- The «association-class-naming» stereotype and the
associated {association-name} and {class-name} tags are
no longer interpreted, and will be removed from the profile at a later
- Generation
- An AssociationClass is coded as a package containing both class
and association aspects.
- The Domain.Class.Vectors package is generated in
the class package rather than as a child package.
- The default storage pool is used rather than ColdFrame-provided
- Code
- Fixed
bug 87
(Invalidated events use queue space).
- Testing
- Included a demonstration program of Ravenscar features for the
Arduino Due.
- 20150415
- General
- This is a major release; ColdFrame is targeted at Ada 2012. It uses
Bounded containers when possible. Alternative Ravenscar-compatible
code generation is provided.
- Modelling
- In Ravenscar mode, classes can't be «active», and the
maximum number of instances of each class must be bounded; either
naturally (making the identifier be an enumerated type, for instance)
or by use of «cardinality». Strings in identifiers (bounded
or unbounded) aren't supported.
- Generation
- If the environment/Makefile variable PROFILE is set to
other than the default standard, the generated code is
- Filter_Function was still generated using the Booch
- Code
- Provided a Ravenscar-compliant runtime.
- Fixed
bug 24
(Doesn't detect state machine error).
- Fixed
bug 85
(Incompatibility with ArgoUML 0.35.1).
- Fixed
bug 86
(Finalize stereotype on operation ignored).
- Testing
- Included support for
scripted testing.
- Included a demonstration program of Ravenscar features for the
STM32F429I Discovery board from STMicroelectronics.
- ColdFrame.Stubs supports retrieving the value passed in
one parameter when another parameter last had a given value; useful
for checking what was passed to a Set (Key, Value)
operation. This is in response to
bug 84.
- ColdFrame.Stubs.Number_Of_New_Calls reports the number
of calls since the last call
to ColdFrame.Stubs.Save_Number_Of_Calls.
- Removed the special value ColdFrame.Stubs.Last
(0, which is the default
for Get_Input_Value's For_Call, does just as well).
- Installation
- Although there is no reason why a Ravenscar-compliant build should
not be run in any environment, the supplied configuration (see
ColdFrame_Ravenscar.gpr and Options_Ravenscar.gpr)
is targeted to the STM32F429I Discovery board from STMicroelectronics,
using the runtime system at
the STM32F4
GNAT Run Time System.
- 20140422
- General
- This is a major release; ColdFrame is now targeted at Ada
2005. It uses Ada.Containers instead of the Booch Components.
- Modelling
- «convention»
is supported for types and operations, in response to
bug 81.
and «utility»
are supported for classes.
- «callback» can now be applied to (class) operations
which are to receive callbacks from other, lower-level, domains.
- Supports the
tag {hash=style}
for «imported»
and «renaming»
- Generation
- Uses Ada.Containers. The most obvious effect of this is that Domain.Class.Collections.Collection has become Domain.Class.Vectors.Vector.
- Inheritance arrowheads were missing on generated diagrams.
- Improved detection of the use of invalid names.
- Code
- Fixed
bug 83
(Timed event not invalidated on instance deletion). This was a very
obscure bug, which is present in all earlier releases of ColdFrame; to
trigger it, you need two timed events for the same instance, where the
first event's handler deletes the instance.
- For «callback» operations, code is generated to
- register with the callback provider at domain initialization,
- create class events to transfer the data into the receiver
domain's context, and
- support teardown for unit test.
- Installation
- You no longer need to have the Booch Components available.
- 20130621
- General
This is a maintenance release.
- Modelling
- Included the package stereotype «ignore» (the package,
and any child packages, are to be completely ignored) in response to
request 5
(Domain Subpackage «hand-coded» Stereotype).
- Generation
- Added extra checks on «access» and «constraint».
- Fixed
bug 75 (Mac
OS X Mountain Lion problem).
- Fixed
bug 79 (a
function's result type wasn't normalized).
- Fixed
bug 80
(Interrupt Handling example doesn't compile on Windows/Cygwin).
- Testing
- The Interrupt_Handling example uses SIGINT (crtl-C), not SIGHUP.
- 20130420
- 20130413
- General
- This is a maintenance release.
- Generation
- Fixed
bug 60
(Can't have negative values for Integer identifier components).
- Fixed
bug 63
(Constraint error navigating n:1 from (null)).
- Fixed
bug 74
(Confusing document generated for access-to-operation).
- Testing
- Fixed
bug 76
(Test cases don't compile).
- Installation
- The script to convert case exception data from Emacs to GPS format
(scripts/ has been made executable.
- Documentation
- Links changed to match migration of the ColdFrame Sourceforge
project to the new Allura platform.
- 20120324
- Modelling
- Added «bounded-string», «discriminated»,
«fixed-string» and «protected».
- Reworked AssociationClass handling; the stereotype is now
«association-class-naming», and you can
specify {association-name}, {class-name}, or both
(though that would add another layer of confusion).
- You can specify the discriminator of
a Generalization, which has the advantage of appearing on the
class diagram. If you specify both the name and the discriminator,
they have to match.
- Generation
- Progress is only traced if make is
given VERBOSE=yes.
- Testing
- Added example/ and test/ code.
- Noted that many of the tests use AUnit 3 (as supplied with GNAT
GPL 2011), and aren't compatible with the AUnit 1.03 provided with
Debian (up to wheezy).
- Installation
- Changes for Debian 6 compatibility
(see installation notes).
- 20120219
- General
- ColdFrame can't currently be installed on Windows or Debian
(problems with TclXML). This has prompted a long-overdue move from
modelling with Rational Rose to modelling
with ArgoUML.
- Unfortunately there's no easy route from a Rose model to an ArgoUML
one, but Rose has never been freely available.
- The changes to ColdFrame's source are on the ArgoUML branch
in the Sourceforge repository. The Rose version is on
the RationalRose branch (currently the same as the default).
- The old .raw files and related scripts are no longer
used. Instead, the ArgoUML .uml model files, containing XMI,
are converted directly to ColdFrame's .norm format, and code
is then generated as before. The conversion is done by an Ada program
(normalize_xmi), which
uses XIA (a copy is included with
- Modelling
- ColdFrame's previous profile hasn't been completely migrated
yet. The main omissions are the data typing options, for example
constraints, conventions, and modular types. A lot of the problem is
the UML 1.4 preference for tagged values to be regarded as properties
of stereotypes, which leads to
some contortions.
- See the model ColdFrame_Examples.uml in the models/
subdirectory for example models.
- The ability to extend ColdFrame's processing (by using your own
profile and code generation) isn't supported; unrecognised stereotypes
and tagged values are ignored. This may change.
- Code
- Implemented a workround for a bug in GNAT GPL
- Testing
- AUnit (version 3),
the Booch
and TclAdaShell
(for examples/) are expected to be installed or
- Installation
- Much changed, please see
the documentation.
- 20110720
- Generation
- Generated HTML for instance events didn't select the right
- Generated HTML includes simple hyperlinked class diagram and
- Diagrams in generated HTML are optional.
- Removed no-longer-relevant warnings about singletons in
- The Make option CHECKING (default strict)
demotes some relatively benign errors to warnings. These include
- Multiple declarations of the same type. No check is made that the
declarations are the same, and no promises are made as to which will
be chosen if they are different.
- Missing types: a child domain can use types declared in its
- Code
- Code is compatible with Ada 2005 (but doesn't use any new
features, so remains compatible with Ada 95 as well).
- For classes whose maximum number of instances is known,
raise Too_Many_Instances instead of Storage_Error if
this number is exceeded.
- Work round a GNAT 3.16a1 memory leak problem with Find
and class Delete for unbounded classes.
- When an instance of an active class is deleted, its task is only
deleted after it has terminated.
- Added informative text to generated assertions.
- Testing
- ColdFrame.Stubs.Get_Input_Value's For_Call
parameter is extended:
- Positive values denote the indicated call.
- You can specify the last call by supplying 0 as well
as ColdFrame.Stubs.Last.
- Negative values denote previous calls; thus -1 indicates
the last call but one.
- Installation
- The distribution and the repository now have the same
structure. In particular, the distribution contains a complete set of
documentation (in the subdirectory doc/).
- The distribution contains a
single Makefile ( at the top level,
designed to be included in user Makefiles regardless of whether
the platform is Windows or Unix-based.
- Makefiles in the examples/ and test/
subdirectories expect AUnit
(version 3) and the Booch
Components to be installed (aunit.gpr and bc.gpr
should be accessible, either in the default Project search path or
One of the examples (Stairwell Lights)
requires TclAdaShell
and tash.gpr similarly.
- 20080503
- General
- Added a more explicit copyright
- Modelling
- Associations involving «singleton»s are fully supported.
- Generation
- ColdFrame.Exceptions.Initialization_Error is no longer
called; an exception raised during domain initialization is
- The error of having more than one class with the same name is
- The error of having more than one type with the same name is
- The error of having more than one transition from a state
triggered by the same event is detected properly.
- With a new option (GENERATE_EVENT_LOGGING=yes), all
events in the domain concerned are logged as they are handled (for
instance events, the state on entry is included).
- Generated HTML documents now include state diagrams
(via Graphviz).
- Code
- Cant_Happen exception reports are no longer accompanied
with a traceback. The message says it all.
- The standard Event
Queue gives instance events
priority over class events.
- Event Queue informational and error logging is now done via
ColdFrame.Project.Log_Info (new) and
ColdFrame.Project.Log_Error directly rather than via a
generic signature package.
- A Trace event queue no longer includes the time in log messages
(you have probably included the time in your project logger).
- Testing
- Unit Test support can be generated for a class with an attribute
of a protected type.
- There's a new Fire operation to allow handling events on
- Added a new Monitoring event queue; it checks runs of events
without a return to idle, and reports if the run has taken an
excessive time (probably a symptom of inappropriate behaviour in an
action routine; you shouldn't block by, for example, delaying or
making a network connection, because you're holding up the whole
- Added a Debug storage pool which keeps track of allocations and
deallocations by call site (actually, by call chain, so an allocating
library subprogram will have a different record for each caller).
- 20060427
- Modelling
- You can mark an attribute {aliased} (or
«aliased»; it's probably best to use the tagged
({aliased}) form for this, since it hardly contributes to the
problem-domain analysis and the stereotype form is very visible; but
note that in UML2 tagged values can only be used in association with a
particular stereotype, so the diagram clutter will be unavoidable).
- A completion transition from a state with a «final»
action to a final state isn't treated as an error.
- Generation
- The generated separate bodies for functions of classes returning
type Handle now compile.
The approved way of achieving this effect is to use the name of
the class concerned.
- There was a problem with protected types which used access types
created using {access=name}.
- Code
- The functions Is_Set and Expires_At
in ColdFrame.Events_G.Test_G were not dispatching operations
in the same way as Wait_Until_Idle, this made calling them
very clumsy.
- 20060326
- Documentation
- Improved the presentation of the HTML documents.
- Revised, and documented,the support
for low-level unit tests
and inspecting event
queues. Note in particular that the accessors for a state
machine's current state are
now Get_State_Machine_State, Set_State_Machine_State,
and that when inspecting an event queue the events are held in posting
order, not time order.
- Modelling
- You can specify «atomic» and «volatile» (as
well as {atomic} and {volatile}).
- Generation
- Warnings are generated for unrecognised stereotypes (but not for
tagged values).
- Code
- Fixed a problem with Domain_Initialized, which was
getting set too early.
- A Test_Trace event queue starts 'unstarted', as you'd
- Stub support
- Stubbed operations of types weren't thread-safe.
- Setting up 'output' values and exceptions for stubbed operations
is now thread-safe.
- It's more convenient to retrieve the "last" value of an in
- A domain package body is generated even if there are no operations
of types (in case the full domain does have a body, to avoid
compilation difficulties with extension GPRs).
- The accessors for a state machine's current state are
now Get_State_Machine_State, Set_State_Machine_State.
- When inspecting an event queue the events are held in posting
order, not time order.
- 20051107
- Added a limited form of inspection for Timers.
- Unit testing might freeze during tear down (again!).
- Fixed a storage leak caused by improper instance deletion during an
action routine.
- Improved the presentation of generated HTML.
- 20051019
- Generation took a lot longer than you would expect on Windows
2000, Windows XP.
- Problems with and transitions to
unnamed final states.
- Leading or trailing dots in names are treated as errors.
- Unit testing might freeze during tear down.
- 20051001
- Various corrections and improvements to test stub generation/use.
- Corrected a race condition which could block on starting a
low-priority event queue.
- A type used for the return type of a protected function might have
been declared too late.
- Some domain initialization (creation of singletons, default values
for class attributes) is done before any domain {init}
operation is called.
- Corrected problems with «final» event actions (actions
which delete the instance).
- The Makefiles allow you to specify which version of a command (eg,
find) to use; especially useful with mixed CMD/Cygwin builds.
- Added support for low-level unit test involving Event Queues; you
can inspect a (non-started)
queue. See ColdFrame.Events_G.Standard_G.Inspection_G for
details; there's an instantiation
at ColdFrame.Project.Events.Standard.Inspection.
- Protected function return types are taken account of when
calculating the order in which to output type declarations.
- 20050515
- For this release, it's necessary to re-extract
all Domains from the model and to regenerate.
- Modelling
- ColdFrame now recognises utility classes ("classes" with no
instances, only operations).
- Visibility is partially implemented for operations of classes and
«protected» types; public and protected
operations are public, private and implementation
operations are private.
This doesn't include «entry» operations of
«active» classes, which are always public (but only visible
in the context of their own class, since the task is declared in the
private part of the class package).
- You can constrain a scalar type; for a Height, you could say {
constrains = Metres | lower 0.0 | upper 100_000.0 }.
- You can declare types private, by saying
«type, private», (more tidily, perhaps) by tagging
{private}, or even by using the Rose class specification dialog
{serializable} types must be public, as must the
types of any components. ColdFrame checks the former but not the
- You can mark a nested package that's to be included as
«include» instead of «generate»
if you find it clearer.
- You can use Ada attributes (eg, 'Small) in values (initial
values, bounds).
- You can specify an initialization operation to be called before any
«init» operations during domain initialization, using
{ init = ada-package-name.operation } on the domain.
- You can declare unsigned (modular) types.
- You can make ColdFrame generate access types for your own types.
- You can specify {atomic}, {volatile} on types or
attributes (translating to the corresponding pragmas). If the type is
an {array} type, the components are marked as atomic or
volatile (the array itself will almost certainly be too large
to be marked as a whole).
- Event queues, state machines
- Action routines can be inherited from the parent.
- ColdFrame checks that operations corresponding to actions actually
- There are added checks on state machine legality.
- The error of creating a Timer on the stack now results in a log
message rather than an exception.
- The Event Queue task responsible for delayed Events has been
renamed from Timer_Manager to Held_Event_Manager
(since it doesn't just deal with Timers).
- The Debug versions of Event Queues are now deprecated; use
the new Trace versions instead
(ColdFrame.Project.Events.Standard.Trace and
As an added incentive to change, Trace now includes the time since
program start with each log message and reports the fully-qualified
state name..
- Callbacks
- If an exception gets raised in a called-back routine, an error is
logged (rather than re-raising the exception to the supplier).
You need to be careful with this, because it can lead to
elaboration circularity if your
ColdFrame.Project.Logging_Support uses callbacks.
- A callback operation can deregister itself (though the
register/deregister operations aren't task-safe).
- Miscellaneous
- XML Schemas
are now supplied for ColdFrame's "raw"
and "normalized" XML.
- It's been made a bit more straightforward to add your own code generation extensions. You
can also customize the banner ColdFrame outputs at the head of each
- You can change the generated top-level package name of a domain,
using { name = New Name } on the domain. See the new discussion on testing.
- The supplied ColdFrame.Project.Calendar provides an
Epoch function (to be used for aggregates); so should a
Project's replacement.
- Because it's a Bad Idea for user code to call them, the operations
previously named Domain.Class.Class_Initialize and
Tear_Down are now named CF_Class_Initialize and
CF_Tear_Down respectively.
- ColdFrame can now generate test stubs.
- {array} types can be (de)serialized automatically.
- If a «public» class has no attributes, no instance record
will be generated.
- The ColdFrame-supplied storage pools, as well as filling
newly-allocated memory with an obviously bad pattern
(16#deadbeef#), now refill just-freed memory with
- Unimplemented operations raise Unimplemented instead
of Program_Error.
- Tear Down has been reworked to remove some race conditions that
could lead to Tasking_Error.
- The error of deleting an active instance from its own task is
- Making an association with a «public» class was never
meant to be supported and now results in an error.
- Floating point types are always generated as constrained subtypes,
using 'Base'First or 'Base'Last as appropriate for
omitted bounds.
- It's possible to suppress the deserialization code in generated
Image operations in a target-dependent way;
see ColdFrame.Project.Serialization.
- 20040319
- Unrecognised tagged values (eg, {status}) are no longer
reported. Instead, they are included in the normalized
intermediate file, so that, for example, you can add your own code
generation extensions.
- Tagged values with names containing illegal characters are treated
as errors. (Legal characters are alphanumerics, hyphen and
- You can specify an empty type using the tag {null}.
- Cant_Happen exceptions in state machines are accompanied
by exception information (to make them easier to debug).
- You can specify array «type»s
({array=element-type, index=index-type}). You
can also say {unconstrained}: since unconstrained arrays are
indefinite (ARM
3.3(23), 3.7(26)),
you can't use them as attributes, but they can be used as parameters
or as function return values.
If you want to serialize array
types, you must supply your own field-image operation.
- For increased performance, if a class has a single identifier of
- Boolean
- an {imported} or {renames} «type»
marked {hash=enumeration}
- an {integer} or {enumerated} «type» of
small enough range (currently 49 by default, the parameter
the container for the extent of the class (all the current instances)
is implemented as an array rather than a Booch Components
- Callback support asserts that:
- on registering, the procedure hasn't already been registered
- on deregistering, the procedure has been registered
- Making an association with a «public» class was never
meant to be supported; doing so results in a "strong warning" during
code generation, and will result in an error in a future release.
- Fixed-length strings are supported (say {string = fixed
27}, for example).
- A state machine action is allowed to delete its instance if
- The operation is the (generated) Delete.
- The operation is stereotyped «final».
Other uses will result in an exception.
- The error of creating (and using) a Timer on the stack is
detected. Unfortunately, this means getting a Program_Error
because of an unhandled exception in a Finalize subprogram.
- 20031126
- The class Delete operation for a 0..1 class didn't null
out the container, so it appeared that there was still an instance.
- 20031123
- There was a memory leak if an exception should occur in a callback
- The generated separate bodies of operations of types didn't include
any documentation comments.
- UML tagged values are supported as well as ColdFrame's
original [[annotations]].
- 20031102
- Improved the default error logging (stop concurrent access
mangling the output; flush the output after each message).
- Serializable output used the wrong field names.
- Performance improvements in class Filter_Function,
- 20030930
- A class variable of the class's type wouldn't compile
("representation item appears too late").
- Classes with state machines wouldn't compile ("primitive operation
declared too late").
- Improved detection and reporting of problems with state machines.
- Code for «accessor»s is no longer inlined (compilation
times were greatly extended).
- 20030914
- Serialization supports nested (but not discriminated!) records.
- The old [[image]] functionality for outputting serialized
data was clumsy for unstructured types (such as an imported Time). A
new type-image annotation is provided.
The old [[image]] functionality is retained but
deprecated; use [[field-image]] instead.
- 20030906
- The old Hash function has been replaced by
Instance_Hash (because the arguments are different).
- Code generation doesn't stop on the first error.
- State machines support actions on transitions.
- It was possible, especially with Cascade_Teardowns, for a
shared event queue to be torn down more than once, leading to
- With the new container implementation, calling Find for
an «active» (multiple-instance) class would hang.
- Started a set of regression tests, in the test/
subdirectory of the distribution.
- ColdFrame identification commentary (revision of the model, date of
extraction, revision of ColdFrame components) is added to each
generated file.
- 20030815
- Added ColdFrame.Project.Log_Error, and used it to report
exceptions in domain initialization.
- If all the attributes of a «singleton» (or
«public») class were «class» attributes, the
generated code wouldn't compile.
- Generates code for «protected» types.
- Includes Rose "model" files for the example and
test distribution subdirectories.
- Exceptions can be imported or renamed.
- Operations can be renamed (this provides a form of overloading,
which isn't otherwise possible given that ColdFrame generates separate
proper bodies).
- Attributes marked class in the Rose class specification
dialog are seen as such.
- Operations marked abstract in the class specification dialog
are seen as such.
- Included cf-banner.el, an Emacs add-in to aid replacing
ColdFrame's generated banner file heading with something appropriate
to your version control system (in this case, PVCS).
- Improved code generation efficiency (by eliminating many
instantiations of Booch Components).
Note, to allow further improvements without impacting your code,
it would be a good idea to use the generated
Domain.Class.Iterate generic for iterations rather
than open iterations using
- Memory allocation (for instance, when creating an instance of a
class) now fills the allocated memory with an improbable pattern. This
should help to catch use of uninitialized attributes.
- You can specify an active class's stack size and priority (as an
offset from the system's default priority, the larger the number the
higher the priority).
- 20030519
- You can use expressions in range specifications for types, initial
values for attributes, and default values for parameters. Pi is
specially recognised (it translates to a domain constant equal to
- Code for «accessor»s, and for supporting inheritance and
«abstract» operations, is generated in the package body
rather than in separates.
- Code for «accessor»s is made "inline".
- The Makefiles are much quieter.
- The Makefiles report any code in the .impl directory that
doesn't correspond to generated code.
- 20030513
- Corrected problems deleting an instance with extant held events.
- The script to split serialized XML files into CSV format is
included in the distribution.
- A class with a Timer but no state machine will now compile.
- These stereotypes now imply «type»:
- «callback»
- «counterpart»
- «discriminated»
- You can tear down an Event Queue that hasn't been started.
- The generated Create operation checks that supplied
referential parameters are of the correct class.
- The Domain.Serializable package is generated even
if there are no serializable types in the domain (in which case it
will, of course, be empty).
- 20030330
- Some documentation rework.
- Handle parameter modes correctly (the old way, with the
[[mode]] annotation, is still supported).
- A Serialization Base class now needs to support the function
Base_Attribute_Image (to output any of its own attributes, such as a
- The supplied makefiles include a target (install) to help
override ColdFrame's support code (the ColdFrame.Project
hierarchy). See the installation
- 20030316
- Domain.Cascade_Initialize and
.Cascade_Tear_Down procedures are generated; as generated,
they call the domain's Initialize procedure.
- Removed ColdFrame.Serialization_Signature, no longer
- Corrected errors in calculating multiplicity and dealing with
[[hash]] annotations.
- Normalization reports problems with trailing dots in (Ada) names.
- Added ColdFrame.Project.Events.Standard.Test_Debug, which
is a Test event queue (ie, it doesn't start until told, and allows you
to wait until it's idle) which prints what's going on.
- Adding extra kinds of Time (for held events) is simplified.
- 20030309
- Operations of «type»s no longer have an implicit
This parameter (you can of course always provide an explicit
- Case normalization has been improved; the GLIDE rules are now
followed, so that you can specify that short comes out as
short while short message comes out as
- The way in which Booch Maps are used has been changed; now, the
number of hash buckets is the maximum number of instances, up to a
value which can be changed in the Makefile but is defaulted to 49.
- If a class has a single-attribute identifier that is an enumeration
or an integer range, the maximum number of instances is calculated
automatically (but doesn't override any user-specified maximum).
- The maximum number of instances of association classes is
- If you have serialized output in
output.xml, you can say
make -f $TOP/$COLDFRAME/Makefile-unix output.csv
(or, of course, Makefile-winnt if you're on Windows) to
run a script to split the output into "comma separated variable"
files, one per serialized type included in the input file. Comma
separated variable format is importable into spreadsheets.
- If events to run "after an interval" are posted to an event queue
which hasn't yet started, the interval refers to the time when
the queue is eventually started.
- 20030207w
- The HTML documentation is distributed in a zip file alongside the
source code.
- The [[extends]] annotation allows you to specify that a
type is derived from an external type.
(It might have been possible to use inheritance relationships,
but that would have opened a raft of problems with supporting
polymorphic operations of types, and in any case you should probably
be looking at classes rather than types for your own work.)
- The [[convention]] annotation allows you to specify the
programming language calling convention that an operation will be
called with.
For Ada, this translates to pragma Convention.
- If an association has an associative class, a Find
operation is generated in Domain.Association which,
given the handles of two potentially associated instances, returns the
corresponding associative instance's handle (or null, of
- Callbacks are now unbounded (you can continue to specify a "maximum
number of observers", but it will not be used).
- The [[serializable]] annotation allows you to specify
support for transmitting values of a (record) type via some external
medium -- perhaps to record binary data for future analysis.
- Your main program can coordinate the Event Queues (Dispatchers)
used by the Domains.
If you pass a Dispatcher to Domain.Initialize, it
will use it instead of calling Domain.Events.Initialize.
- 20030107a
- Extraction from Rose loads required packages recursively.
- Added a new Logging signature package,
- Using the same generalization name with more than one parent is
- The last entry action of a final State can (and probably
should) delete the instance - unless of course it's a defunct
«singleton». It no longer needs to be named
- If you want to make a class visible for unit test support, mark it
This should be reserved for unusual cases (typically, unit test
variants of device support domains).
- Added ColdFrame.Interrupts for interrupt support.
- Added Interrupt_Handling, Library demos.
- The environment variable CASE_EXCEPTIONS specifies one or
more case exception files. If there's more than one, the separator is
; on Windows, : on Unix.
- [[counterpart]] «type»s are implemented as
renamings (subtypings) of ColdFrame.Instances.Handle.
- «teardown» operations are called during domain teardown.
- «class» accessor operation bodies are automatically
generated for «class» variables.
- You can specify that an imported or renamed type is to be hashed as
a discrete type (using
[[ hash : discrete ]]).
- Added a reasonably complete example (the Stairwell demonstration).
- 20020921
- Extraction from Rose now loads a Domain package if it isn't
already loaded.
- The Rose Path Map variable and the environment variable
ColdFrameOut are both now capitalized
(COLDFRAMEOUT). This is because of an interaction between
Windows and Cygwin.
- Extraction checks the environment variable COLDFRAMEOUT if
there's no Path Map setting. There are notes.
- There was an error in Event Tear_Down which caused
Storage_Error if there were in fact any Events.
- The Selection_Function of a class with multiplicity 0..1
gave a Constraint_Error if there was no instance.
- 20020917
- Reworked how Time is handled in ColdFrame.Project.Events.
- There's a new ColdFrame.Events_G.Test_G add-in which
allows you to query whether a Timer is set, and when it will
These are not appropriate in operational code; state machine logic
should be encoded in the state machine, as far as possible, and you
ought to know whether a Timer is set or not.
The Start operation has a default implementation which
raises ColdFrame.Exceptions.Use_Error (because operational
code shouldn't be calling it). Test queues support this operation; the
queue doesn't start dispatching events until the operation is called.
The Wait_Until_Idle operation has a default
implementation which raises ColdFrame.Exceptions.Use_Error
(because operational code shouldn't be calling it). Test queues
support this operation; the operation blocks the test thread of
control until all event activity has terminated. A parameter
Ignoring_Timers (defaulted to False) controls
whether Timers are included in the count.
- Documentation is copied through into the generated code.
- The way in which the "lines of code" count is generated and
reported has changed.
- The provided ColdFrame.Projects.Calendar implements
Time as a renaming (subtype) of Ada.Calendar.Time;
there was an interaction with a GNAT feature (GCC PR/7613) when the
whole package was a renaming of Ada.Calendar.
Generated code no longer uses
ColdFrame.Projects.Calendar; instead, there's a
use type for it. This will change operations' profiles.
- Attempts to use Ada reserved words for identifiers are caught.
- Tear_Down now cleans up «singleton»s and class
variables (actually, they're reset on the next Initialize via
a new Class_Initialize operation; Class_Initialize
is now reserved).
- If a state entry action procedure has a parameter, it's of the
type of the corresponding event's payload rather than the event
itself. This allows different events to cause transitions to the same
state, so long as they all have the same payload type.
- State entry actions can now see both the previous and the current
state of the instance.
- Delete is supported as an entry action (not available for
«singleton»s, and it had better be the last action!).
- The Makefiles allow the Rose model to be extracted to a different
directory from that under which the code is kept (using the
make variable ColdFrameOut).
- 20020716
- Event Queues now have a Wait_Until_Idle operation, for
unit tests to use after posting test Events; the operation blocks the
test thread of control until all event activity has terminated.
- Event Queues now have a Tear_Down operation; this is
automatically called from the domain Tear_Down. Note, this is
also intended for unit test!
- There is a new Post_To_Self operation on Event Queues, to
be used by a state machine instance which is posting an event to
itself to make sure that the event is processed before any
externally-signalled events to the same instance.
- Missing names/types are detected for attributes and parameters
before code is generated (during normalization).
- Date, Time types are translated to
ColdFrame.Projects.Calendar.Time, which is provided as a
renaming of Ada.Calendar.
- 20020706
- «instantiation» can be used to mark operations which you
want to appear on a sequence diagram but which will be implemented by
instantiating a generic (for example,
- The [[set]] annotation (defining a type consisting of a
collection of instances of a class) is no longer available; I couldn't
find a sensible mechanism to implement it now that I don't use WITH
TYPE any more.
- Initial support for state machines.
- Support «class» attributes.
- Added Counterparts.
- Create the default "abbreviation" for single-word classes by
prepending A or An to the class name.
- Check for illegal characters in identifiers.
- Added Exceptions (like «type»s, but marked
«exception», generated in the Domain package).
- Initializers can be signed.
- Autonumbering is reset by Tear_Down.
- Added pragma Elaborate_Body for generated instantiable
- Navigation of associations from collections is now in a separate
child package Domain.Association.From_Collections.
- Include "don't edit" warnings in generated code.
- It's no longer necessary to mess with your CLASSPATH to include
saxon.jar; java's called with -cp. You do
need to unpack Saxon where the Makefile's expecting it (see
the installation notes).
- Added special processing where an dispatching or inherited
operation has a parameter of the same type as its class; the parameter
is converted to the same type as the implicit This parameter.
This may be what's called covariance in Eiffel.
- Tear-down of an active non-singleton instance didn't terminate the
associated task.
- Some of the generated operations (eg, some accessors for
referential attributes) are only intended to be called by generated
code. These are now marked in the spec.
- «access» functions were generated as though they were
- ColdFrame now respects the modeller's casing; if you say
FOO it should come out as FOO (in the absence of a
case exception for foo).
This change has two consequences:
- you need to be consistent about case; the code generator is
- you need to use the case that ColdFrame expects (for example,
AutoNumber won't work).
- There's a new exception
ColdFrame.Exceptions.Existing_Child, raised when you create a
child of a parent which already has one.
- Operations of «type»s are generated.
This allows you to have domain-wide «access» operations,
too: declare them as operations of some «type» (if there are
no other [[annotations]], attributes or operations the
«type» itself won't be generated).
- As well as setting Events that you want to be delivered at some
future time on Timers, which allows you to retract the event (by
unsetting the timer), you can just Post them (in a "fire and forget"
- Event-related exceptions have been moved to
ColdFrame.Exceptions (with the rest).
- The generated bodies of functions that return composite (record)
types now compile.
- Create operations Assert that any identifying
referential attributes aren't null.
Link operations Assert that their arguments aren't
- "Subtype migration" (dynamic
classification) is supported; for each class involved in an
inheritance relationship there's a child package
(Domain.Class.Inheritance) containing the new
- Include installation notes.
- Projects will want to provide their own versions of supporting Ada
packages, for example to provide the default storage pool; but
ColdFrame needs to know how to with them.
A new package hierarchy rooted at ColdFrame.Project is
used to hold such packages.
A new Ada source library directory
cf-yyyymmdd/project is provided to hold example
versions of required packages.
- The exceptions declared in ColdFrame.Exceptions are no
longer renamings of Booch exceptions.
- 20020116
- «abstract» is supported on Classes (nothing is done with
it yet).
- The supplied Makefiles assume there's a case exceptions
file (~/.emacs_case_exceptions); normalization no longer
fails if there isn't one.
- Normalization no longer checks that the parent in an inheritance
relationship has an identifier (if it hasn't, that will be found later
anyway). This means it's no longer a fluke if inheritance trees work
- The Rose Extractor only extracts (selected) packages in the current
class diagram; it pops up a dialog box on completion to say what it's
- Reports of unhandled stereotypes, annotations tidied up.
- The domain package comments include the generated lines-of-code
count (actually, the usual Ada "number of semicolons").
- Normally ColdFrame only extracts classes and associations from the
top-level (domain) package. If you prefer to organize your model with,
say, the «type»s in a "Types" child package, mark it with
- 20011209
- There's a new scheme for mutual visibility of Class package specs,
not involving the GNAT WITH TYPE extension.
- In multiple inheritance, an inherited operation is called in the
correct parent.
- «abstract» and «finalize» operations don't map
to task entries.
- A new operation stereotype «navigation» is like
«generated» (but is intended to mark operations that are in
fact provided in an association package).
- «finalize» operations aren't inherited.
- The domain Tear_Down clears all registered Callbacks.
- A proper error message is given when a [[callback]]
annotation is given on a non-record type (a type without attributes).
- Implement the [[renames]] annotation.
- Sort out multiplicities (on roles) and cardinalities (on classes).
- Implement Autonumber using GNAT's Long_Long_Integer
(64 bits). Let's see you overflow that!
- 20011011
- To support testing with AUnit, a
Tear_Down child procedure is generated for each Class, which
deletes all instances. This won't (31.viii.01) work for
«active» classes.
A domain Tear_Down child procedure is also generated,
which calls all the class Tear_Downs.
- normalize-rose.tcl supports the
--casing file flag, which specifies a file
containing identifier case exceptions.
A GLIDE case exception file can be used, but GLIDE's distinction
between partial and complete exceptions isn't preserved (you could
tell GLIDE to upcase gnat only when it formed the whole of an
identifier, so you'd get GNAT but Gnat_Id).
You can specify more than one exception file by repeating
- A child class's Create operation sets up the parents'
child information record.
- Deletion of an instance of a child class clears the parent's (or
parents') child information record(s).
- Deletion of an instance of a parent class deletes the current child
- A parameterless instance procedure marked «finalize» is
called by Delete just before the instance is freed.
- Operations marked «generated» are treated as "already
generated", that is, no new code is generated for them.
This is to allow the standard Create, Find and
Delete operations to be used on sequence diagrams without
Rose complaining.
- The supplied Makefiles, when placing generated code in
Domain.gen, delete any .ad? files which are
already present in Domain.impl. This should reduce
confusion (and may make the use of GNAT Projects easier).
- (Record) types marked [[discriminated]] are generated as
discriminated records; the discriminant is an enumeration type with
literals formed from the attribute names with _T appended.
- A child generic procedure Domain.Class.Iterate is
created for non-«singleton» classes to simplify iteration
over Collections.
- Storage management for the Booch Containers, where relevant, adopts
the new style (you need a version of the BCs later than 20010927).
- Generated Hash functions now compute a useful (I hope)
- The supporting code for hash functions has been reorganised under
- Generated package specs and bodies have added blank lines to make
them easier to read. This is controlled by the Make variable
BLANK_LINES (yes means "add blank lines", anything
else means "don't").
- Verbosity is controlled by the Make variable VERBOSE;
yes means "be chatty", anything else means "don't".
- 20010819
- The Domain Initialize procedure used to call an
Initialize procedure for each Class, for which a default
empty implementation was supplied. Now, it only calls operations with
the «init» stereotype («init» implies
«class»). They should be parameterless procedures (a warning
is given, but code generation completes); a standard stub
implementation is provided, which raises Program_Error.
- ColdFrame used to use «interface» to indicate that the
stereotyped class should be visible outside the Domain
package. «interface» is used for another purpose in UML; now
ColdFrame uses «public» instead. «interface» is
retained but deprecated (ie, it will disappear at some later time;
stop using it as soon as you can).
- The generated top-level Ada file contains identification
- revision control information for the domain (this is extracted
from a [[revision]] annotation for the domain, if any: to put
this in the Rose model in the correct place, select the domain Package
in the browser)
- date and time of extraction
- the ColdFrame releases (in the form cf-yyyymmdd)
of the extractor, normalizer and generator components of ColdFrame
- In Rose, you can extract more than one Domain at once by
- having a class diagram showing the Domain packages to be
extracted, and making it the active diagram
- selecting more than one Domain package in the Rose browser (or the
extraction diagram).
- There is no longer an extraction dialog:
- the extracted file name is formed from the package name, with
spaces replaced by underscores
- the extraction directory is that specified by the Rose Path Map
variable ColdFrameOut or, if not specified, the current
- The extracted code is laid out using GNAT's defaults (standard
indentation 3 spaces, continuations 2 spaces). These can be
- 20010707
- Generate the Link operation for 1-(1:1) associations correctly.
- Work round a GNAT problem (tasks and with type don't mix).
- Work round a GNAT problem (with type in the spec needs to
be matched with a plain with in the body).
- If the Saxon command line parameter generate-accessors is
set to defined, attribute accessor subprograms will be
generated if they were specified in the Rose model. Corresponding task
entries for active classes are suppressed.
For an attribute Attr, an operation is a "set"
accessor if it is a non-«class» procedure named
Set_Attr with a single parameter of the same type as
Attr, and an operation is a "get" accessor if it is a
non-«class» function named Get_Attr with no
parameters returning a value of the same type as Attr.
- Generate short names (omit Domain name and own Class name), where
possible. This is because of GNAT 3.14a1 problems with complex
- 20010623
- Operations can be stereotyped as "access to subprogram" (and, by
implication, as «class» operations) using
«access». This was actually present but undocumented in
- Allow types to be [[imported]].
- Partitioned inheritance trees were not being distinguished
- Support "autonumber" attributes.
- Domain types are generated in (reverse) dependency order, so you
can safely specify records containing records.
- 1-(1:1), 1-(1:1c), 1-(1c:1c) associations now supported.
- Operations are generated with "separate" bodies, instead of using
child subprogram units.
- Active classes (in Rose, go to the Class/Detail tab and select
Active) are generated with a task for each instance. The task body is
"separate". Each non-«class» procedure operation has a
matching entry; the generated (separate) procedure body calls the task
- Singleton (but not Interface) classes now provide a Handle
type (accessed through the Find function), for use in
- All Classes have a «class» operation Initialize
(no parameters); the Domain has an Initialize operation which calls
each of the Class' Initialize (in alphabetical order).
- If the Saxon command line parameter generate-accessors
isn't set to yes, attribute accessor subprograms won't be
- The Makefiles set the file protection on generated code to
read-only (to give you some sort of warning when you accidentally edit
generated code).
- Include proper default initialization for Date/Time.
- Dispatching operations supported, including «abstract»
- Associations with «singleton»s now supported.
- 20010520
- Includes support for Associations.
- Generates HTML documentation.
- Supports record «type»s (no check yet that record types
are declared after record types that they reference).
- Provides a callback facility (the Observer pattern).
- Allows the use of a class' Cardinality instead of [[max]]
or «singleton».
- 20010325
- Whether a class is a singleton or not is now determined by the
«singleton» stereotype (or annotation).
- All classes except those with the «interface» stereotype
or annotation are implemented as private
children. «interface» classes are automatically
- If a class is implemented using Bounded containers (because the
number of instances is known), a fixed-size storage pool is used for
the Handle access type (so that memory is only allocated from the
heap at package elaboration). This has forced the
Abstract_Containers package to be implemented as a child of
the Domain.Class package.
- References are implemented using the Handle of the
referenced class. This means we have to use the GNAT "with type"
I've included a pragma Extensions_Allowed (On); in each
package that needs it, but there seems to be a GNAT problem here
(3.13p, 3.14a) so you may need to include this in your configuration
file (gnat.adc) or use the -gnatX flag.
- The child class enumeration literals now have _T appended
(otherwise the literals masked the class package, so you had to say
Domain.Class.thing rather than just
Class.thing in subprogram bodies).
- Delete operations didn't in fact free allocated memory.
- You need at least Release 20010325 of the Booch Components.
- 20010228
- Choose between Bounded and Unbounded Containers depending on the
class's [[ max: max-size ]] documentation annotation.
- Choose the number of hash buckets for Bounded Maps depending on the
[[ max: max-size ]] documentation annotation.
- Added documentation on the paraphernalia surrounding an Identified
Class Package.
- 20010204
- Added support for singleton classes (classes with no Identifier
- Added documentation of the relationship between the normalized
ColdFrame metamodel and generated Ada.
- 20010130
- Initial release.
Simon Wright
Last update: 03/11/2017 11:24:19