ColdFrame: Reserved names

ColdFrame uses some names to build the framework for you. It will at best cause confusion if you use these names in your models.

The table below shows the names and their uses.

Name Use
All_Instancesutility operation to obtain all current instances of a class
Cascade_Initializedomain initialization operation, can initialize other domains (especially in unit test)
Cascade_Tear_Downdomain teardown operation, can tear down other domains (only in unit test)
Class_Initializeclass initialization operation
Counterpartreference to a class in another Domain
Deleteinstance deletion operation
Eventsdomain event support
Filter_Functiongeneric, to select some instances of a collection of instances
Findinstance location operation
Handletype used to access instances
Handle_Hashoperation to support Booch Sets
Identifiertype used to identify instances
Initializedomain initialization operation
Instancetype to hold instance data
Instance_Hashoperation to support Booch Maps
Iterategeneric, to iterate over a collection of instances
Next_Identifierclass variable to support Autonumber
Old_State_Machine_Stateattribute to contain the previous state of an instance's state machine during an action procedure call
Selection_Functiongeneric, to select some of the current instances of a class
Serializablechild package to support the {serializable} facility
State_Imageoperation to return a string describing the state of an instance's state machine
State_Machine_Stateattribute to contain the state of an instance's state machine (the new state, during an action procedure call)
State_Machine_State_Ttype to describe the state of an instance's state machine
Tear_Downoperation to return the domain to its initial state
Texttranslates to Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String
The_Containerclass variable to contain all the instances (will be a pointer, an array or a Map)
Thisparameter (or, for singletons, class variable) to hold the (current) instance
Timetranslates to ColdFrame.Project.Calendar.Time
Timertype of an attribute to hold cancellable delayed events
You may find it useful sometimes to overload the instance creation operation Create.

Simon Wright