ColdFrame: Generation of code
Code is generated using the XSLT
stylesheet generate-ada.xsl. The XSLT processor I've used is
Processor from Michael Kay.
It's possible to add your own post-processing for
special code generation methods.
The output is placed by the Makefile into one Ada source
file, package-name.ada.
The Makefile then uses GNAT's
gnatchop to split the file into the required "one file per
library unit" style. Other compilers will have their own way of
importing the code. Note, however, that the supplied stylesheets make
use of GNAT extensions ('Unrestricted_Access).
The generated code is compilable, but operation and task bodies
will raise the exception Unimplemented if called (except for
operations recognised as accessors).
ColdFrame makes no attempt to allow you to modify generated bodies
and preserve your changes on the next generation; instead, the idea is
that you keep the generated code in one directory and your real code
bodies in another directory that's earlier on the compiler's source
search path. I'm not sure how the idea of placing real subprogram body
files earlier in the compiler's source search path translates to
compilers other than GNAT; however, on regeneration the supplied
Makefile deletes all generated code bodies that have implementations
(this is necessary for using the GNAT Project facility).
You can see a listing and explanation
of error and warning messages that may appear.
XSLT script options are passed to the script using assignments of
the form option=value on the Saxon command line. The
script generate-ada.xsl recognises the options
- add-blank-lines
- If the value is yes, blank lines are added to the
generated Ada to make it easier to read, in case you have to.
The Make variable is BLANK_LINES, default yes.
- checking-policy
- If the value is relaxed, some errors are demoted to
The Make variable is CHECKING, default strict.
- continuation-indent
- Specifies the indentation increment for continuation lines; the
value is a string of space characters, the default being 2 spaces.
There's no Make variable for this.
- fill-column
- Specifies the fill width for comments, the default being 70.
There's no Make variable for this.
- generate-accessors
- If the value is yes, both Set and Get
accessor operations will be generated directly in the package body for
all attributes.
If the value is defined (the Makefile default), operations
which match the profile of accessors
(Get_attribute-name with no parameters returning a
value of attribute-type, or
Set_attribute-name with no return value and a single
parameter of attribute-type) will have proper bodies
generated for them (they will still be generated as separate
subprograms, though, unless they're stereotyped or tagged
Otherwise, no special notice will be taken of accessors or
The Make variable is GENERATE_ACCESSORS,
default defined.
- generate-event-logging
- Controls whether code to log Event
processing is generated.
The Make variable is GENERATE_EVENT_LOGGING,
default no.
- generate-stubs
- Specifies whether test stub bodies are to be generated.
The Make variable is GENERATE_STUBS, default no.
- max-bounded-container
- If a class is known never to have more than this number
of instances, a bounded container will be used. The default is 49.
There's no Make variable for this.
- max-hash-buckets
- The number of hash buckets used for map containers will be the
same as the maximum number of instances so long as it's less than this
value. The default is 49.
There's no Make variable for this.
- profile
- The Ada execution profile; if not standard, code
generated will be compliant with a restricted profile (such as
The Make variable is PROFILE, default standard.
- standard-indent
- Specifies the standard indentation increment; the value is a
string of space characters, the default being 3 spaces.
There's no Make variable for this.
- unit-test-support
- Specifies whether a Unit_Test child package is required
for each class.
The Make variable is UNIT_TEST_SUPPORT,
default no.
- verbose
- Specifies whether ColdFrame should report what it's doing.
The Make variable is VERBOSE, default no.
Simon Wright
Last update: 02/22/2016 15:47:00